Advanced Piping Solutions

1.0 Project Management

Our team of experienced project engineers, field engineers and supervisors can support your requirement to control and ensure successful delivery, installation and testing of FRP Piping.

Our Project Management team serves as a contact point for our customers throughout the order life-cycle. Project engineers acts as a liaison between the company and the customer to provide the latest updates to contract and project status. In addition to handling contract and project enquiries, Project Engineers coordinates timelines and schedules for production, site services and engineering activities through project plans.

2.0 Field Engineering and Support

At Advanced Piping Solutions, we understand sales are not events, but rather a process. We are there at the onset of the process, helping you select the right products. And we know our job is not complete even after the products are installed.

We will troubleshoot when there are installations or product problems. Our Field Engineering Department is responsible for the preparation and execution of the services that the company provides on-site as part of its contracts. This broad function ranges from supplying an entire site crew to perform the jointing task when pipes are being laid to simply supplying a site engineer to supervise all tasks connected with pipe installation.

Our Field Engineering Department also provides an after-sales service. The Department will provide all the technical assistance on-site as well as supervise the installation quality to ensure that it complies with our installation instructions.